Golden B’s journey began during a pandemic, when the World Health Organization (WHO) state that honey can help in boosting immunity. As a result, there was a rise in market demand for pure and organic honey. We realized that the market is dominated by fake and contaminated honey. People had no option but to acquire and consume processed honey since the adulteration was so pervasive.
They had forgotten the true worth of honey. That’s why Golden B chose to introduce unadulterated raw honey.
The goal of Golden B is to supply you with raw honey in its purest form. Golden B honey is harvested, kept, and aged in a completely natural and scientific environment. As a result, the fragrance, natural vitamins, minerals and magical values of fine honey are preserved.
Not only our raw honey is 100 % pure, organically gathered and processed healthier and tastier, but it is also seasonally different. The color, taste and texture of the flowers varies throughout the year, depending on the season’s predominant floral variety. But one thing that remains constant throughout the year is quality and sweetness.

To serve our consumer purest raw honey with natural fragrance, vitamins, minerals and magical values.

To completely remove the adulterated honey from market and provide the purest raw honey in its most natural form to consumers, which should be suitable for consumption.